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In-game Guidelines

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Motor City Roleplay

Staff member
Whitelist Applicant

In-game Guidelines

1. Common Courtesy

While out of character it is expected of you to remain respectful and calm towards others. Every player should feel welcome in the community no matter what their background is. Any form of OOC discrimination is forbidden and can result in a community ban if it is severe enough.

Always follow an administrator's instructions even if you disagree with the decision. If you feel an admin is making the wrong decision, the decision can be reviewed by a member of Staff Management.

Failing to roleplay a situation is strictly forbidden. You're expected to be roleplaying at all times, If a player breaks the rule during the situation you must finish the roleplay and report later. You must also roleplay any injuries that occur to your character or any accidents that happen when driving, even if you are alone.

Examples of breaking this rule:
  • insulting another player through /pm or /b;
  • spamming;
  • disregarding an administrator's decision;
  • failing to roleplay a car crash, unless it was clearly caused due to desync (contact an admin through /report if you wish for a crash to be voided);
  • leaving the server intentionally to avoid roleplay or consequences of any kind;
  • taking advantage of an OOC issue to give yourself an advantage in an IC situation (stealing a vehicle from a player whose game crashed, initiating a shootout when a player involved crashed, driving off from a traffic stop when a law enforcement officer disconnects, waiting for someone to type to get an IC advantage);
  • AFK during roleplay situation;
  • ignoring an employee at an open business and just using the script to buy something, customize your character or customize your vehicle. You must roleplay with an employee if they are present. Vehicle modding must always be roleplayed in full.
  • Leaving the game just after an active situation, it is required to wait at least 30 minutes as people might be actively looking for your character, unless all parties agrees to let you log off.

2. Powergaming

It is not allowed to perform actions which would not be possible in real life either, this is not limited to roleplay through /me. It is not allowed to force actions upon another player. You are not allowed to roleplay a non-player character.


  • Roleplay through a /me to lift up a truck.
  • Jumping from height and not roleplaying the consequences from your fall.
  • Roleplay through a /me to shoot a player with the result of the player ending up dead in the process.
  • Looting a stash without properly roleplaying its description (nor knowing about it)

It is mandatory to RP fear in situations/actions which you would usually refrain from doing realistically. Repercussions of your characters actions must always be considered, situations which result in death due to a lack of fear RP may result in a CK.

  • Drawing a gun to rob someone in the middle of the street/populated area.
  • Running off/drawing a gun while being aimed at.

Lack of fear roleplay or fear for your life in general may result in a permanent character kill.

3. Metagaming

Metagaming is defined as using out of character information in character. Inciting someone else to metagame is against this rule. Using Discord, Skype, or any other external programs to communicate with others while in-game is forbidden.
  • Jonathan reads something from his Twitch chat and role plays knowing about that situation.
  • Karen is on Discord with her friends Audrey, and Eddie. She communicates to them that she’s being attacked by someone. Eddie and Audrey show up to Karen’s location.
  • Oscar stream snipes Kenneth, stream sniping is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.

4. Deathmatching

Killing another person without a sufficient roleplay reason (deathmatching) is not allowed. Unnecessary provoking falls under this rule as well. Terrorism is strictly forbidden. This also includes revenge killing — when you respawn after being executed and then kill (or at least attempt to) the person who has just murdered you. Your in-character memory is wiped off everything that led up to your death when you are killed, so you should forget about your attacker.
  • Jonathan has killed you over a legitimate in character reason and you respawned without being saved by the Police Department/Fire Department so you get a gun from your house and go back and kill him.
  • Karen spits on your shoes so you withdraw your firearm and shoot them for it.
  • You provoke a fist fight with two people who are unarmed and then you pull your firearm out and kill them.
  • Players cannot provoke a situation or another player without valid reasons behind it.

5. Robbing and Scamming

Robbing is defined as taking someone’s possessions (money/items, etc) by force or threat of force. Scamming is defined as offering a good or service and then refusing to pay or give it. Robberies and scams must be strictly done in character.
  • Players are unable to force other players to withdraw money from an automated teller.
  • Escalation is important. You must always have a valid reasoning behind robbing someone that you have in character knowledge of, your only reasoning shouldn't be you saw them standing outside of a large house. (you will face punishment for poor escalation)
  • Players are unable to force another player to sell them their vehicle via script commands during a robbery.
  • Players are unable to force other players to hand over assets that aren’t present in the area.
  • Players may not scam vehicles or properties
  • You may not kill someone during a robbery, UNLESS they bring it upon themselves.
  • Players may scam for a maximum amount of $20,000 and nothing greater unless you're dumping their whole account.
  • Players may not rob items from the Police Department and Fire Department.
  • Players can't commit a robbery while operating a luxury, or high-end car.
  • Players are able to rob all of the cash you are carrying on your persona. Avoid walking around with twenty thousand dollars unless you don’t care about losing it.
  • Looting people who are dead is forbidden.
  • A group who splits up shouldn't be hitting a house in 4 different areas of the map to try and spread police out just so they can succeed.
  • You may not rob a player while they are performing a scripted job on the server, ex: garbage pickup.
  • Only tell a player to 'put their hands up' or 'don't move' solely if you intend to rob them, not if you intend to kill them.
  • You may not Rob/Scam a player inside of a greenzone.
  • Using out of character knowledge such as knowing out of character who has a weapon and where someone lives is forbidden and you will face punishment for metagaming.
  • Players may only commit one robbery every 2 hours.
Chain robberies on your character unless perfectly roleplayed will be considered unrealistic and poor portrayal of a character. Group robberies count together the rule doesn't apply to just an individual it applies to an entire group you're with, rather you're the getaway driver or burglar.

6. Character Regulations
Character names must not include the following; real names (i.e.: yours or other community members), gag/troll names (i.e.: Ben Dover), racism, sexism, or homophobia. Names also may not be celebrity names. Each character must be a new beginning refrain from giving characters similar names or family names and roleplaying relatives.

Characters must be realistic when using the character customization. A game admin may ask you to change your character's appearance if they deem it is unfit for the server or not realistic. Obstruction of a character's face may only be done with valid in-character reason and through in-character means. All characters must be at a minimum of 16 years of age.

  • Setting your character's model to the alien.
  • Dressing your character to have invisible body parts or glitches.
  • Wearing job clothing when you’re not a part of said job (i.e: wearing a police vest).

7. Abuse of Game Physics

Grand Theft Auto V physics and movements in-game are hardcoded and cannot be changed via scripting so the following is forbidden to avoid non-roleplay situations:
  • Bunnyhopping (I.e.: jumping while running around to gain speed in a situation)
  • Spam Punching (I.e.: spam clicking mouse 1 in a fight and not giving someone a chance to react).
  • Combat Rolling (I.e. rolling in a shootout, etc.)
  • Olympic Swimming (I.e.: swimming without roleplay any exhaustion)
  • Abuse of jobs (I.e.: spawning a job vehicle to evade police, etc.)
  • Unrealistic driving (I.e.: Stunt jumps, etc.)

8. Third Party Modifications & Software

Third-party modifications that give you an unfair advantage over other players are prohibited. Client side modding to give an advantage is also considered a breach of the rule.
  • Any modification or equipment that provides a user a crosshair is strictly prohibited. The utilization of crosshairs coming from monitors is prohibited.
  • Any program or modification that widens the player’s field of view, granting them an unfair advantage, is prohibited. Programs or modifications such as widescreen fix fall under this rule.
  • Keybinds, hotkeys, or macros that influence roleplay or responses, giving the player an advantage over other players, are prohibited. Programs such as AutoHotkey or the FiveM built-in keybinding system are to not be used for roleplay responses or actions.

9. Safezones

  • Spawn Points (i.e.: Los Santos International Airport, Davis Train Station, Pillbox Train Station, etc.)
  • All Government Buildings (Police Department, Fire Department, City, etc.)
  • Dealership
  • Mechanic Shops
  • More will be added soon.

10. New Life Rule

If you’re downed and respawn at the hospital your character forgets the immediate events leading up to being down in the current scenario and past events. A player may not return to the area of their death for at least 15 minutes or attempt to retrieve lost possessions from involved players.

  • If you are downed and respawn at the hospital your character forgets the immediate events leading up to being downed in the current scenario. You may not respawn if you’ve been advised that police or EMS is on the way to your scene.
  • You must try and contact medical help of some sort while incapacitated.

11. Abuse of Game Physics
Grand Theft Auto Five physics and movements in-game are hardcoded and cannot be changed via scripting so the following is forbidden to avoid non-roleplay situations:
  • Bunnyhopping (I.e: jumping while running around to gain speed in a situation)
  • Spam Punching (I.e: spam clicking mouse 1 in a fight and not giving someone a chance to react).
  • Combat Rolling (I.e: rolling in a shootout, etc.)
  • Olympic Swimming (I.e: swimming without roleplay any exhaustion)
  • Abuse of jobs (I.e: spawning a job vehicle to evade police, etc).
  • Abusing emote cancelation to avoid falling, produce spam punching, etc.

12. Third Party Modifications
Any type of game modification or software which gives a player any type of advantage over another player is forbidden. Client side modding to give an advantage is also considered a breach of the rule. Client side modding may only be done for aesthetic purposes and should never be done to change the function of anything in-game. Third person FOV modifications are forbidden, they should not be used at all. First person FOV modifications are allowed however.

This includes the following; mods, trainers, crosshairs, tracers, flawless widescreen (3rd person pov), unlimited stamina etc.

13. Refunds.
Please keep in mind that there is a strict NO Refund policy on ANY donation made towards the server, these donations help keep the server running and in condition for the community to enjoy. This includes whitelist applications, instant whitelist, and any asset granted in game (If the server includes and/or allows them).

14. Real World Trading
This is defined as trading or buying in-game items for out of game currency. This is strongly prohibited.
Examples: Giving someone a vehicle in game and receiving payment for it OOC'ly.

15. Obscene Roleplay
Obscene Roleplay scenes must be conducted away from other players or areas where players are likely to cross. If a player feels uncomfortable at any time while conducting obscene roleplay scenarios, that player can opt-out of the roleplay and deem such roleplay voided; this will end any future continuance of the roleplay scene. In the case that such obscene roleplay is to occur, every roleplaying party must agree to continue the roleplay with Out of Character consent through local Out of Character chat.

What is considered Obscene Roleplay?
  • Erotic or Sexual Roleplay.
  • Torture Styled Roleplay.
  • Roleplay scenes involving gore - usually causes uncomfortability.

    The following should never be roleplayed:
    • Rape / Nonconsensual touching are strictly prohibited - Doesn't matter if both parties agree this should NEVER happen.
    • Acts of Obscene Roleplay with individuals that are not of age.

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